Career and Technical Education (CTE) Can Give Your Teen What Is Needed To Succeed For Life
From technical and academic to employability skills industry college-bound students can get job experiences to help them define their career plans, identify an appropriate course of study and help pay for tuition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a good fit for Career and Technical Education?
- A young person who knows what job or career they want
- A student who is mature and responsible
- Someone who enjoys learning by doing real things
- A student who may not be fulfilling their true potential in a traditional classroom
Where is Career and Technical Education available?
In 28 high school Centers across the state. Each high school in New Hampshire has an agreement with a Center to accept its students.
Do Career and Technical Education students earn a high school diploma?
Yes. Career and Technical Education students are enrolled in both their home high school and at their local Center. They must meet all of their high school’s requirements for graduation. Because they are highly motivated, CTE students’ graduation rates are high.
What types of jobs and careers do CTE students train for?
Career and Technical Education has evolved since most students’ parents were in high school. Training for traditional blue-collar jobs like construction, automotive technology or welding is still offered.
Program options have expanded, however, to white-collar jobs like graphic design, health professions, accounting, business, child development and information technology. See your Center’s course catalog for details.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost to the student or to their family to enroll in a CTE program. On average, a two-year Career and Technical Education program costs approximately $8,000 more than a standard high school tuition. This is paid by the state and/or the student’s home school district.
Why do students choose Career and Technical Education?
- They know what they want to do, and they want to get a head start on their career.
- They want to explore their career interests now, and not wait to do it in college.
Do Career and Technical Education students go on to college?
Yes, although many will take jobs directly after graduation, the majority of Career and Technical Education students in New Hampshire enroll in either a two-year or four-year college program related to their field of interest.
What types of certifications can students earn while in high school?
These vary by location or program. Students may earn credentials like Licensed Nursing Assistant, OSHA certifications, Adobe certification, Automotive ASE students certification or culinary arts ServSafe. See your Center’s course catalog for details.
What education cost advantages does Career and Technical Education Offer?
The average cost for in-state tuition and fees to earn a four-year degree at UNH, for example, is more than $66,000. At Southern NH University, a private college, tuition and fees run more than $112,000. (These costs do not include room and board.) In the NH Community College System a two-year degree costs about $15,000 and opens the way for further education or qualified entry directly into the job market.
When you consider that an individual with a bachelor’s degree must invest much more time and money into his or her academic education, you realize that Career and Technical Education can be a smart investment. (Particularly when student loan repayment, or time and money wasted at a four-year college figuring out what a student wants to do is factored in.)
Career and Technical Education is not for everyone, but for many young people CTE is the smart choice.