NHCTE, the statewide professional association that advances and supports career and technical education (CTE) is thrilled to announce the 2025 CTE Teacher of the Year. This year’s honoree is William Clary, Law Enforcement instructor at the Huot Career & Technical Center in Laconia, NH.
William has built the Law Enforcement program into a full-fledged pathway with students finding success both in post-secondary and industry. As the longest-serving high school law enforcement instructor in NH, he is a mentor to others who are looking to start similar programs at their center, and he is a role model for community engagement. Students leave his program with multiple industry recognized certifications, a strong digital portfolio, and a robust internship experience. William is changing lives!
Dave Warrander, the Director of the Huot Career Technical Center, shares this about William’s approach to internships; “I couldn’t believe that we could get every police department in our region, the Sheriff’s Department, and even the County Prosecutor to take on interns. Yet, it has happened and is incredibly successful.” William’s program is also one of the only (perhaps the only) schools to offer Teen CERT training which includes First Aid, Stop the Bleed, and other emergency response skills. Through Teen CERT, students participate in a full-scale emergency response drill at a local training center and assist with traffic control during evacuation drills at local elementary schools. William’s program was also the first school in the country to implement the Axon VR system for training students in de-escalation techniques, use of force and other skills hard to teach in other ways. Students in his class are exposed to the latest techniques and issues impacting the law enforcement field all while still getting a solid foundation in constitutional law, ethics, and basic policing.
William will be honored on June 7, 2025 at the 31st annual New Hampshire Excellence in Education Awards (EDies). NHCTE/NHCTA could not be more proud of William who has dedicated himself to lifelong service of others as a law enforcement officer and a teacher. Congratulations!