STEM Teacher of the Year
Students at the Berlin Regional Career and Technical Education Center’s Welding Program sweep the skills USA state championships placing 1st, Noah Cornish 2nd, Jason Binette and 3rd, John Arquin. The Berlin Regional Career and Technical Center’s Welding programs instructor is the longtime teacher and welding instructor Dennis Carrier. He is no stranger to going to nationals. He has created many amazing welders for years. This year’s class is very special to him. Berlin will represent the state in Louisville, KY at the national championships in June!!
FFA State President, Sydney Wilson traveled to Washington D.C. to represent agriculture and FFA on Capitol Hill for National Ag Day! She had the opportunity to talk to New Hampshire staff in the Senate and Congress about important agricultural topics. She even was able to meet National Secretary of Agriculture; Sonny Perdue! We hope you enjoy the rest of National Ag Week and continue to celebrate agriculture every day!
The Barrington Police Department needed pass through lockers for evidence collection. Lockers will be installed into a wall where officers will place seized evidence into the locked lockers on the outside and the people working inside can collect the items in the morning. These are usually very expensive, but the Seacoast School of Technology Welding Technologies students were able to fabricate them for just over a $100!
SkillsUSA New Hampshire in partnership with the Manchester Monarchs is pleased to announce SkillsUSA New Hampshire Appreciation Night at the Manchester Monarch’s on April 7, 2018 at 6:00pm. SkillsUSA Members, Advisors, Business Partners, Alumni, Family and Friends are all invited to attend this wonderful event. The cost per ticket is $10.00 (Normally $25.00). Come celebrate a night of fun and company as we celebrate the success of the 2018 State Conference and the 2017-2018 School Year. Let’s pack the house !! Tickets
As part of a new Girls in STEAM program, (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math), Nashua students will be learning to fly drones from SI Drones in Merrimack. Along with learning about drones, the course will focus on computational thinking and women in technology. Photography eacher Erin Knoetig will be getting her FFA Part 107 Remote Pilot license this spring and summer. The hope is to expand the program to include drone photography where students would also build and fly the drones. According to Rick Spitz, co-owner of SI Drones, there are a number of job opportunities including real estate and park photography. Read more in a Nashua Telegraph article.