In the “Middle”

In the “Middle”

Requiring education beyond that of high school but less than a 4-year college degree, middle-skill jobs make up the largest portion of the current labor market in the nation and in each of the 50 states. In fact, according to a report by the Harvard Business School, 69% of HR executives note that their inability to attract and retain middle-skills talent frequently affects their firm’s performance.

In New Hampshire, these data points reveal only part of the reality behind what is often characterized as today’s “middle-skill gap.” According to the most recent National Skills Coalition analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Employment Statistics, middle-skill jobs account for 54 percent of New Hampshire’s labor market, while just 43 percent of the state’s workers are trained to the middle-skill level.

“In the next ten years, there are going to be more jobs in this ‘middle area’ than in any other sector of the labor market,” said Steve Rothenberg, board president of the New Hampshire Career and Technical Administrators (NHCTA). “This is what makes Career and Technical Education (CTE) so important in New Hampshire—it fills a very real need now and in the future.”

Whereas the traditional conception of CTE programs is somewhat narrow, the reality is they are incredibly diverse. Offered at 30 high school Centers across the state, current CTE programs range from construction, automotive technology and welding to graphic design, health professions, accounting, business, child development and information technology.

Lisa Danley, director of the Cheshire Career Center in Keene, said that CTE is defined by its usefulness to industry.

“The programs we offer are aligned with college courses and programs and industry needs across the state,” she said. “Programs are not designed in a vacuum.”

Beth Doiron, director of College Access and DoE Programs at the Community College System of NH, agreed and said collaboration with the business sector is critical. “Everything taking place with the CTE sector is aligned with real needs in the labor market,” she added.

The Next ‘Gig’
Whereas the goal of Americans years ago may have centered on the idea that a great career consisted in working at one place of employment, such an aspiration is no longer the norm. With tens of millions of Americans involved in some form of freelancing, contracting, temping or outsourcing, the employment landscape is rapidly and radically changing.

According to a report by the Deloitte University Press, nearly half of executives surveyed expect to increase the use of “contingent workers” in the next three to five years. This concept of contingent workers is found within the overall larger concept of the “gig-based economy,” which is loosely defined as networks of people who work without formal employment agreements. Moreover, a gig economy is also seen as one in which an increased use of machines is expected.

“Gig-based” employment, which is really at the foundation of the gig-economy, is becoming a serious factor in making real change, especially within middle-skills job market,” said Doug Cullen, founding president of the Vermont/New Hampshire Career Development Association (VT/NH CDA). “It is a migration from the employee/employer understanding of shared security and shared growth to one that creates uncertainty and potentially a lack of loyalty for the employee base.”

Work-Based Learning
In response to the gig-based economy and a number of other related factors, Cullen said CTE has begun to move toward the utilization of work-based learning (WBL) initiatives more comprehensively in the career development process. As an example, he cited Vermont where legislation was just passed that supports WBL.

“It stipulates that Vermont high schools must have or contract with CTE centers for WBL services, which extends upon the services CTE Centers can offer to high schools,” he said. “In December of last year, the National Governor’s Association announced New Hampshire as one of 6 states in the U.S. selected to participate in the 2016 Policy Academy on Scaling Work-Based Learning.”

Noting there are currently more than 20 distinct projects in NH that surround WBL-related interventions for various aged learners, Cullen said these efforts support the concept of ready-for-work and ready-for-college.

“Whether it is an apprenticeship, mentoring or internships, WBL initiatives are important in that they extend the classroom into the workplace and connect acquired knowledge and skills to a student‘s future employment,” he said. “WBL is what we need to help tomorrow’s workforce begin to develop the middle skills they will need today.”

Constructing a Brighter Future

Constructing a Brighter Future

Promoting the construction industry to New Hampshire youth, the 2016 New Hampshire Construction Career Days event will take place at the Hillsborough County Youth Foundation Center in New Boston on Thursday and Friday, September 22 and 23. In total, more than 50 schools and 1,600 high school students are registered for the event, which has quadrupled in size since it was first held in 2009.

Noting the event is open to both male and female high school students, Catherine Schoenenberger, president of Stay Safe Traffic Products, Inc., one of several major event sponsors, said one goal is to increase the attendance of women and minorities.

“We want to encourage more women in construction,” said Schoenenberger, who is also president elect of the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC). “Women currently make up less than 10 percent in the industry. While women make less than men for the same work—and we are working on that—you can make very good money in construction and it is not going away.”

Resulting from the collaborative efforts of labor unions, construction companies, school districts, state agencies, trade and professional organizations, the event will feature more than 70 exhibitors. Areas of focus will include careers in heavy equipment, welding, plumbing, carpentry, electrical wiring, surveying and engineering, land clearing, underground utilities, and other construction related jobs. Students will also learn about various secondary educational resources, apprenticeship programs and career training pathways available after high school.

“These kids are involved and engaged at every single booth,” Schoenenberger said. “There are all kinds of challenges throughout the day, and kids can really get the sense they ‘[they] can do this.’”

Students also walk away with a comprehensive career book that details expected wages from each job, educational pre-requisites, and where they will be at the end of an apprenticeship. According to Tracy Untiet, assistant director, Career & Technical Education at Pinkerton Academy in Derry, said they find substantial value in having their students attend the event.

“Students have an opportunity to meet professionals in dozens of Construction related fields as well as trying a variety of tools and equipment that are not often available at school,” she said. “Examples are dump trucks, back hoes, climbing utility poles and rapling trees, and using electrical, welding and construction tools.”

In total, Untiet said they generally bring 100 students each year out of whom roughly 15 to 20 are female.

Having served as president of NH Construction Career Days, a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit that raises private funds and donations to run the event, Schoenenberger said she is excited at its continued growth.

“NH Chronicle will be here on Thursday and Governors Lynch and Hassan have both attended,” she said. “It’s an event where companies see the value, too, as they expend a lot of resources and personnel. Between their efforts and our sponsors, the event continues to expand. It’s great to see and very rewarding.”

To learn more about the event, visit To leanr more about NAWIC, visit

Join NH School Counselors and Others on November 8th

Join NH School Counselors and Others on November 8th

Last month, 30 NH school counselors got together at Manchester Community College and had a terrific interactive experience learning firsthand about 21st century careers and career readiness.  The reviews of this event were hugely positive (see attached on page 3-4).  Round #2 is on Election Day, November 8th in Lebanon, NH.  We will be touring and meeting leaders of Hypertherm Corp. and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital.

  • 8:20 am Arrive Lebanon at Hypertherm
  • 8:40 am Tour of HyperthermCorporation (cutting edge high tech advanced manufacturer of plasma cutters) Lebanon, NH
  • 11:40 Lunch
  • 12:30 pm Meeting and information sessions with Sarah Currier (Director, Workforce Development) of Dartmouth Hitchcock on their apprenticeship program where employee are demonstrating performance measures associated with competencies (assessed by doctors).
  • 1:30 pm Debrief and Process
  • 2:20 pm Leave Lebanon (OK leave earlier if needed)

Last month Mark Holden (ABC), Pete McNamara (NHADA), Mike Somers (NHLRA), Emily Gagnon (ex of Albany / Saffron), Chancellor Ross Gittell (CCSNH), and President Susan Huard (MCC) really set a high bar.  The dialog was tremendous — and energetically went both ways.  We want to keep the momentum.


To register contact School Counselor Leader Rebecca Schaefer  .  Also the next two events are: 1/17 and 3/10 details TBD.

CTE teachers take advantage of project based learning

CTE teachers take advantage of project based learning

In early August, approximately 25 New Hampshire CTE instructors attended a two-day, project based learning (PBL) workshop in Concord with Marty Sugerik of the Southern Regional Education Board There were about 25 attendees that participated. In total, the training provided 13 hours of Professional Development over a two day period.

Areas covered during the two days ranged from how to implement icebreakers and class warm-ups to class notebooks and incentive programs. Teachers also learned about station teaching, which promotes collaborative independent learning by grouping 3-4 students together where they are assigned a task.
In station teaching, students are not allowed to ask the teacher questions, yet are allowed to use any resources they can find to solve the problem. Each student is responsible for demonstrating and documenting his or her work. Each group is responsible for documenting multiple solutions if consensus is not reached, while individual students are responsible for communicating on behalf of the group.

“In Gold Standard PBL projects, Marty also spent a considerable amount of time showing us his food truck project and how it relates to real world situations, which often tap into CTE topics,” noted attendee Heidi Havron, who teaches Math at the Manchester School of Technology. “It was stressed that there needs to be a real world component/CTE component to legitimize the portions of the project that relate to a particular field.”

The Career Development Bureau sponsored the professional development opportunity.

“We have received a great deal of positive feedback on the workshop and look forward to seeing the results of the project-based units that are rolled out over the coming year,” said Courtney Ritchings, NHDOE Career Development Bureau.

According to Havron, the entire training was quite productive. She said it was particularly beneficial that Sugerik was a math teacher and added math content to his program.

“At the end of the training, I had new techniques and examples of how to engage students with math problems, activities and projects that promote collaborative, yet accountable learning,” she said. “In addition, I was exposed to a slew of resources that can help me create my own material to use with the students.”

Promoting cognitive rigor

Promoting cognitive rigor

It is not so much what student knows, but how and what he/she does with that knowledge that will serve the needs of industry today and tomorrow, which underscores the usefulness of the Cognitive Rigor Matrix. Designed by Karen Hess, the Matrix is a tool and resource that Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers can use to help guide and scaffold lessons. As opposed to grading or measuring a student’s demonstration of a competency, the Matrix reveals the complexity of a task or activity at the point of instruction.

Kirsten Soroko, who trained CTE teachers statewide in how to use the Matrix this summer, said its widespread use in the secondary school setting has far-reaching implications. “A student’s depth of knowledge is based upon rigor of the mind, which is complexity over difficulty,” she said. “Teachers who use the Matrix as a way to build complexity enable students to build process and inquiry rather than simply promote rote memorization.”

According to Doug Cullen, founding president of the Vermont/New Hampshire Career Development Association (VT/NH CDA), promoting ‘rigor of the mind’ represents a shift toward the utilization of work-based learning (WBL) initiatives in the career development process.

“There are a variety of interventions in place surrounding career development as a discipline and the use of experiential learning as a strand within,” he said. “This approach is driving improvements in student efficacy, engagement, overall learning and a host of other benefits…The key is to create partnerships between secondary, post-secondary and industry-involved education providers.”

Beth Doiron, director of College Access and DoE Programs at the Community College System of NH, agreed and said the business sector is also critical. She cited one recent example in Manchester in which several area companies approached Manchester Community College regarding a need for tube welders.

“We are working with them to fill that long-term need,” she said. “Everything taking place within the CTE sector is aligned with real needs in the labor market.”

Lisa Danley, director of the Cheshire Career Center in Keene, added that CTE is defined by its usefulness across multiple spectrums.

“The programs we offer are aligned with college courses and programs and industry needs across the state,” she said. “Programs are not designed in a vacuum.”

In helping teachers instruct students on how to think rigorously, Soroko said CTE is preparing the next generation of problem solvers. “It is time for us to start teaching our kids how to think,” she said. “It is not about memorizing content, but how we use content and transfer it to something new to solve problems…this is the new CTE.”

According to Jen Haskins, director of Career and Technical Education at Pinkerton Academy this new way of conceptualizing and implementing CTE across the state results in immediate benefits for students, too.

“All of our programs are aligned with high skill, high wage jobs—we are not putting out students that just have entry level positions,” she said. “Obviously, they still need to work and progress in their industry and through other continuing educational opportunities, but they can hit the ground running and make livable wages while they advance.”

Noting advancements continue to be made in the general community’s perception of CTE, Steve Rothenberg, board president of the New Hampshire Career and Technical Administrators (NHCTA), acknowledged one of their biggest challenges remains one of leverage.

“We need to create a model where the state can leverage best practices, so teachers’ strengths are maximized and the interests of students are best served,” he said. “Promoting cognitive rigor is one of the tools we will continue to deploy to best ensure these internal and external needs are met.”

A Gathering of Tribes by Ray Davis, Ph.D.

A Gathering of Tribes by Ray Davis, Ph.D.

Every so often great minds come together to create a source of synergy the whole of which exceeds the sum of the parts. Thus, is the case with two giants of career development in the United States.

The National Career Development Association (NCDA) has worked with the Association of Career and Technology Education (ACTE) to enhance “membership collaboration” between the two organizations beginning this Fall 2016. This collaboration recognizes and honors the common ground of guidance and career development between the two national organizations. The initiative, which is currently being referred to as an “Professional Development Package” (PDP) is designed to encourage shared professional development, career development resources, best practices, legislative advocacy, and professional networking between the two national leaders in guidance and career development.

The PDP package is set to be announced as $70 for new members of either organization. This fee will be collected by each organization with membership information collected in a common database. Existing members of either organization can opt to receive this PDP of a nominal fee of $35.

NCDA will be adding anyone new to this PDP opportunity as a “New Professional Member” beginning immediately and ensuring that these professionals will get full membership benefits in NCDA. In a similar manner, ACTE is developing their membership option to provide access to extensive guidance and career development electronic communications, resources, and professional development. For those existing NCDA members who take advantage of this option, they will receive a benefits package from ACTE that targets both K-12 and higher education professionals.

Soon, both organizations will be marketing this option to their members. NCDA plans to use the following to enlighten its members of this inter-organization collaboration:

1. Announcement via e-bulletin (covers full membership)
2. Web listing under Latest News
3. Career Convergence Article with link to options available to all NCDA members
4. An article to ACA’s Counseling Today about effective collaborations for those NCDA members whose NCDA membership is shared through their ACA membership
5. Additional press releases to other sister organizations (like NAWDP, NACE, ASCA, smaller sister organizations, etc.) showcasing this collaborative agreement

Estimated start date is September 1st pending changes needed for membership issues at both organizations.

ACTE’s Jan Bennet-Bell, Vice-President of the Guidance and Career Development Division, is handling the marketing for ACTE members and will serve as liaison to NCDA through her three-year tenure as ACTE Board member. Ray Davis, NCDA Board Trustee for School Career Counselors and Specialists, will be working with NCDA Executive Director, Deneen Pennington, to market the above membership roll out to NCDA members.

This collaboration is rooted in three years of professional exchanges. Both Jan and Ray have attended the last annual conference of each of the two organizations to set the groundwork for this PDP. NCDA Past-Presidents Rich Feller and Lisa Severy, and current NCDA President, Cynthia Marco-Scanlon, have attended ACTE’s annual conference each of the past three years.

Both organizations are excited about the collaboration developed during the 2015-16 year. ACTE has extended the hand of collaboration on legislative policy and advocacy with NCDA’s Government Relations Committee, as well as our NCDA staff at LobbyIt in Washington, DC. This unified effort has been very effective as the two organizations unilaterally advocated for stronger legislation for career guidance in WIOA, ESSA, and Perkins reauthorization. ACTE’s National Policy Seminar has been discussed as a rallying point in Washington in early March 2017 for joint organizational legislative advocacy.

NCDA has reached out to New England CDA and CTE professionals to include them in our Career Practitioner Institute in Groton, CT, in October. For more information, see

What does the future bring for this collaboration? The sky is the limit! The PDP leadership is investigating collaborative webinars on topics of expressed need by members of NCDA and ACTE. Each organization will continue to offer the other organization featured workshop slots at their annual conference. Identified professional development such as post-secondary career pathways and transitions, career decision making, the usage of career assessments and technology, and career guidance skill-development are but a small number of topics that the two giants of guidance and career development are mulling as part of the “common ground” of the collaborative.

Guest contributor Ray Davis, Ph.D.
NCDA Trustee
School Career Counselors and Specialists

SkillsUSA NH Welcomes a New State Director

SkillsUSA NH Welcomes a New State Director

SkillsUSA New Hampshire would like to announce the arrival of Joshua Brunk as the organization’s State Director. Joshua arrives to us from Pennsylvania with fourteen years as a member of SkillsUSA. Joshua is returning to his home state of New Hampshire to support the goals of SkillsUSA New Hampshire. He will be an asset as we cultivate new opportunities for our schools and communities to benefit from SkillsUSA.

Joshua has served SkillsUSA since 2002. He has been involved in SkillsUSA as a student competitor, delegate, State Officer, Alumni, and Advisor. In 2011 he earned his SkillsUSA National Statesmen’s Award, and in 2014 he earned his SkillsUSA Professional Development Program International Degree. He was also named the National Outstanding Alumni of the Year in 2014.

Joshua holds an Associate’s degree in Hospitality Management and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management from the Pennsylvania College of Technology. He is currently taking online classes at Johnson and Wales University for a Master’s degree in Hospitality Operations. Joshua joins SkillsUSA New Hampshire after working for the following companies: The Hershey Company, Hershey Entertainment and Resorts, and Milton Hershey School.

“I am excited to take on the position of SkillsUSA NH State Director. When I joined in 2002 I didn’t know where this organization would take me.  Now, almost 14 years later I can say, with confidence, that SkillsUSA changed my life for the better. As State Director, I want to get as many people involved in SkillsUSA as I can. From personal experience, I know our organization is making a difference in people, both personally and professionally.”-Joshua Brunk

Please join us in welcoming Joshua to our state organization.

Finally, we would like to thank Kate Krumm for three years of dedicated service to SkillsUSA New Hampshire.

New Perkins “Q and A” Guidance from the Federal Department of Education

New Perkins “Q and A” Guidance from the Federal Department of Education

Earlier this month, the federal Department of Education (ED) released a new set of responses to frequently asked questions regarding the implementation of the Perkins Act. Three new questions were included in the new set (Version 5.0), including information on academic courses, school-based businesses and equity activities. The specific new questions are listed below, and answers can be found beginning on page 46 of the compiled Q and As.

  • May Perkins IV funds be used to pay for the costs of academic courses in secondary schools?
  • What is program income?
  • May Perkins IV subrecipients earn program income?
  • Does earning program income impact the Perkins IV allocation subgrantees receive from the State under sections 131 and 132 of Perkins IV?
  • What are State agencies’ responsibilities under the Methods of Administration (MOA) program and may Perkins IV funds be used to pay for the costs of conducting the activities required under the MOA program?

It is important to note that the new answers serve as non-regulatory guidance, that while classified as “significant,” is non-binding and is not designed to create or impose new legal requirements.